ESFRI Roadmap
Since the 11th of September 2018 and the launch of the roadmap in Vienna (Austria), METROFOOD-RI in on the ESFRI Roadmap 2018
METROFOOD-RI is an ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures - approved (2018) distributed European Research Infrastructure for promoting metrology in food and nutrition. In doing so, it aims to enhance scientific excellence in the field of food quality & safety by promoting metrology in food and nutrition, allowing coordination on a European and increasingly on a Global scale.
Led by Italy, the METROFOOD-RI partnership is currently composed of research operators (Research Institutes, Universities, National Metrology Institutes, Institutes for Food Safety and Health Protection) from 18 European Countries (13 Member States and 5 Associated Countries). Their common ambition is to create an array of services that will enhance the operation of each partner's research facilities, offering access to top-class laboratories, plants and experimental facilities, promoting standardisation and harmonisation on measurements related to the agrifood (food composition, quality, safety, authenticity, traceability, sustainability), and sharing, integrating and making interoperable knowledge and data on food.
Supported by the H2020 INFRADEV-02-2019 CSA METROFOOD-PP project (GA 871083), METROFOOD-RI moves towards its preparatory phase (PP)