METROFOOD-RI is a distributed infrastructure organised with a Hub & Nodes model.
The Consortium involves 48 Institutes from 18 European Countries (15 Member States and 5 Associated Countries). Italy is the leading Country. Some National Nodes – typically those of the Countries with more Partners – are in turn organized in a network of Centres.

ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
Is a public body aimed at research, technological innovation and the provision of advanced services to enterprises, public administration and citizens in the sectors of energy, the environment, agro-food systems and sustainable economic development. ENEA's scientific and technological development activities are carried out in 9 Research Centers throughout the country.
Principal Investigator: Claudia Zoani -
CNR - National Research Council
Is the main public organization performing research and innovation in the main sectors of knowledge. Its Department of Biology, Agriculture and Food Sciences is involved in METROFOOD-RI carrying out advanced research, innovation and training activities related to Agriculture and Food Sciences.
Principal Investigator: Andrea Scaloni -
CREA - Council for agricultural research and analysis of the agricultural economy
Focuses on agri-food system. 12 research centers activities range from plant genetics and genomics, agronomy, soil, forestry, ecology of natural and cultivated environments, animal and fish farms, food processing, nutritional properties of foods and optimal dietary patterns for health, reduction and recovery of nutrients from food waste.
Principal Investigator: Aida Turrini -
FEM - Fondazione Edmund Mach
Is a leading Italian institution active in research, education and technology transfer in agriculture, food and environment sectors. FEM is also the first One Health Centre in Italy promoting research in sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition, environment and health.
Principal Investigator: Federica Camin -
ICQRF - Central Inspectorate for Quality Controls and Antifraud of Foodstuff and Agricultural Products
Within the Ministry of Agriculture Foodstuffs and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), is an inspection body responsible for fraud prevention. It carries out controls on labeling and quality of foodstuffs, agricultural products feed, fertilizers and plant protection products. The ICQRF has six chemical laboratories accredited to ISO 17025:2017 standard.
Principal Investigator: Alberto Morreale -
IEO - European Institute of Oncology
Is one of the world's most prestigious comprehensive cancer center in Europe. The Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics provides constant consultation in a wide range of areas and it is responsible for the Food Composition Database for Epidemiological Studies in Italy. ;
Principal Investigator: Patrizia Gnagnarella -
INRIM - National Institute of Metrological Research
Realises and maintains the national standards of the measurement units of the International System (SI). The food metrology group contributes in the certification of reference materials and has competence in the quantification of various analytes by different spectroscopy techniques and INAA.
Principal Investigator: Andrea M. Rossi -
ISS - National Institute of Health
Is the major Italian institution devoted to scientific research in public health and the leading scientific and technical body of the Italian National Health Service, performing research in areas such as food safety, cancer, vaccines, infectious diseases, rare diseases and environmental and public health.
Principal Investigator: Francesco Cubadda -
UNIBS - University of Brescia
Aims at enhancing research and addressing the educational needs of the European and global communities, by promoting collaboration and integration. Promotes initiatives aimed at internationalization, European and international exchange agreements and cooperation programs to encourage student and researcher mobility. The result is a wide choice of dual award programs, courses taught in English, international summer schools, together with highly-recognized scientific research and important international awards.
Principal Investigator: Laura E. De Pero -
UNINA - University of Naples Federico II
Is the largest research center in the South of Italy and in its name bears the memory of the Swabian emperor who founded it with the generalis lictera on 5 June 1224. It counts 46 research centers, 2 Botanical gardens, 36 libraries, 1 digital library. The great research tradition has enabled Federico II to build solid collaboration networks with foreign university institutes, research centers and the production world.
Principal Investigator: Francesco Pennacchio -
UNIPR - University of Parma
Is a State University with research, administrative, organizational, and accountancy autonomy. The University is organized in 9 Departments covering the areas of food and agriculture, pharmacy, engineering and architecture, mathematical, physical and natural sciences.
Principal Investigator: Maria Careri -
UNIUD - University of Udine
Department of Medicine (DAME) promotes and develops high level international research and education, in collaboration with international and local industry. Since May 2016 obtained the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission. In DAME thirteen research interdisciplinary clusters are active.
Principal Investigator: Maria Parpinel -

Sciensano’s expertise is focused on the identification and characterization of hazards and risks to public health. We host official control laboratories for medicines and food safety reference laboratories for the analysis of pesticides, food contact materials, natural toxins, nanomaterials and heavy metals.
Principal Investigator: Joris Van Loco -

PMT - Premotec GmbH
Is a Swiss SME and created, in cooperation with many experts, a software system called FoodCASE to manage scientific food data. FoodCASE can manage food composition, food consumption, total diet study and branded food data and is designed as global information system. It will be extended to manage analytical data and for data exchange.
Principal Investigator: Karl Presser -

CZU/CULS - The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Is a public university with more than 18 000 students. The Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources has more than 4000 students and 300 employees. Graduates of the faculty are employed in agriculture, quality of food, nutrition, and other related areas of life sciences.
Principal Investigator: Lenka Kourimska -
FRIP - Food Research Institute Prague
Is aimed at improving the procedures for food processing from the beginning of production to their final preparation, the development of foods for groups of people with special diet requirement and analytics including the implementation of specific analyses.
Principal Investigator: Zuzana Smidova -
UCT - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
UCT is a research leader in the field of advanced food analysis. ISO 17025 accredited laboratory has available methods for both target analysis and untargeted screening (metabolomics). The focus is on emerging contaminants, natural toxins, including mycotoxins and processing contaminants.
Principal Investigator: Jana Hajslova -

TUM – Technical University of Munich
TUM-Analytical Food Chemistry is dedicated to develop and validate new methods for bioactive trace compounds incl. mycotoxins, vitamins in foods, most of which are quantitated mainly by stable isotope dilution assays. Moreover, TUM-ALC is running the comprehensive Foodomics Platform.
Principal Investigator: Michael Rychlik -

EUT – Eurecat
EURECAT is the leading multisectorial technology centre in Catalonia and the second largest private research organization in Southern Europe. It manages a turnover of 62M€ and 650 professionals, is involved in more than 160 R&D projects and has a customer portfolio of over 1.500 companies.
Principal Investigator: Biotza Gutierrez -
IRTA - Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology
IRTA was created in 1985 as public body attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Catalan Government and aimed to become a strategic partner of the agro-food sector in Catalunya and a scientific point of reference and a driving force of innovation and technology transfer. IRTA comprises a network of 10 research centres and experimental stations and three associated centres all over Catalonia.
Principal Investigator: Elena Fulladosa -

FFA - Finnish Food Authority
Promotes, monitors and studies the safety and quality of food; the health and wellbeing of animals; plant health; fertilizer products, animal feeds and plant protection products that are used in agricultural and forestry production; and propagating materials i.e. seeds and planting materials.
Principal Investigator: Janne Nieminen -

UPPA - University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour
Is a multidisciplinary university with 24 research units associated with research bodies such as the CNRS, INRA and INRIA. The MARSS spectrometry center is an analytical platform aimed at investigating most advanced inorganic and speciation information for the fields of environmental, energy and food. For food specifically, it integrate speciation concepts from the isotopic level to 3D imaging. It is a mixt research unit between the CNRS and the University of Pau UPPA.;
Principal Investigator: Olivier Donard -
Is a technology transfer laboratory providing new analytical solutions in the fields of environment, food and pharmacopeia with their expertise in analytical chemistry. Analytical services provided are trace element determination, speciation analysis and nanoparticles characterization.
Principal Investigator: Fabienne Seby -
LNE - French National Metrology Institute
Since 2005, the State has entrusted LNE with the responsibility of managing and leading French metrology. Composed of 10 laboratories that bring together nearly 220 metrology researchers, this network ensures the sustainability of national standards and the implementation of the seven basic units of the International System of Units (SI).
Principal Investigator: Paola Fisicaro -

AUTH - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The Research units Laboratory of Food Chemistry & Technology and Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry belong to the School of Chemistry that serves all disciplines of Chemistry. The Laboratory of Organic Chemistry of the School of Engineering has a long experience in chemistry of natural products. The Pesticide Science Laboratory of the School of Agriculture has long experience in the chemistry, formulation, mode of action, toxicology and environmental fate of pesticides.
Principal Investigator: Maria Tsimidou -
AUA - Agricultural University of Athens
Offers high-level undergraduate and postgraduate education and research in Agricultural Science. The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition offers to the students the scientific background for the rational copping with scientific and technological issues in the food area. Furthermore, it promotes the existing knowledge in the Food Science and Human Nutrition through research.
Principal Investigator: Petros Tarantilis -
ΕΧΗΜ - Hellenic Institute of Metrology
Is the official body representing Greece at both national and international level in the field of Chemical Metrology. Laboratory staff is active in the areas of chemical metrology, analysis, legislation, risk assessment and exposure to chemical hazards.
Principal Investigator: Elias Kakoulides -
HHF - Hellenic Health Foundation
Is a non-profit non-governmental organization that provides expertise in the area of health-related research by generating, conducting and advancing scientific research and disseminating sound knowledge in order to promote health and prevent disease.
Principal Investigator: Antonia Trichopoulou -
MAICH - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
Pursues its three main complementary missions through a) post-graduate specialized education, b) networked research, c) facilitation of regional debate, with focus in the fields of Business Economics and Management, Geoinformation in Environmental Management, Horticultural Genetics and Biotechnology, Food Quality and Chemistry of Natural Products, Sustainable Agriculture.
Principal Investigator: Ioannis Liverators -
Ioannina University (UoI)
Department of Chemistry aspires to be involved in and contribute to developments in the field of Chemistry. Through its study programme and its numerous scientific activities, principally seeks to provide its students the essential knowledge that will help them hold important and crucial research or academic positions in the wider field of Chemistry.
Principal Investigator: Ioannis P. Gerothanassis -

USZ - University of Szeged
Is a prestigious institution in Hungary, where study fields of all walks of scientific life are represented in 12 faculties and the Teacher Training Centre. Our institution performs outstandingly in international rankings: SZTE is one of the top 500 universities of the world.
Principal Investigator: Akos Kukovecz -

DAS Foundation
Is a non-profit organisation with mission to promote the principles of a knowledge-based society. Our activities focus on two primary goals: bridging the gap between innovative ideas and their implementation, and using ICT solutions for tackling the challenges of the modern society
Principal Investigator: Iulia Iatco -

IJZRSM - Institute of Public Health of Republic of North Macedonia
Is one of the oldest institutions in the country established in 1924. Laboratories involved in P-RI carry out analysis for pesticides, mycotoxins, trace elements, nutritive value in food. Quality of analysis is provided by following standards, guidelines and maintenance accreditation since 2006.
Principal Investigator: Anita Najdenkoska -
FASF - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
Is one of the first educational and scientific Institution in the country established in 1947. Food Institute provide analyses related to the food safety and quality, participate in development of a number of scientific and applicative researches, monitoring programs and professional courses.
Principal Investigator: Biljana Petanovska-Ilievska -

RIVM - Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Is committed to a healthy population living in a healthy, safe environment. To this end we conduct research, collect and apply knowledge. Research on healthy, sustainable and safe foods and diets is an important part of it.
Principal Investigator: Marga Ocke -
WUR - Wageningen Food Safety Research
Contributes to safe and trustworthy food and feed by conducting high-quality and independent research through analyses, developing new methods, forensic and scientific research and risk analyses and assessments. The Biometris unit develops quantitative methods and software for risk assessment for human health and the environment, decision making and risk/benefit analysis.
Principal Investigator: Annemieke Pustjens -

NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Is Norway’s primary center for technological research and education with a firm foundation in natural sciences. Marine and maritime research is one of NTNUs strategic areas and NTNU has a European research infrastructure in marine resources.
Principal Investigator: Turid Rustad -

INSA - National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge
Is an institution founded in 1899 by the Humanist Ricardo Jorge. Integrating the Ministry of Health, it is the State Laboratory of the Portuguese health sector that contributes to gains in public health mainly through the functions of Health Research; National Reference Laboratory; National Health Observatory and Epidemiological Surveillance
Principal Investigator: Isabel Castanheira -
FCT NOVA - Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Organized into 14 Departments and 14 Research Support Services, has a vast experience in cutting-edge research, development and innovation due to its multidisciplinary nature and investment in fundamental and applied research in diverse areas (from materials, environment, biotechnologies, conservation and restoration, IT technology, artificial intelligence, circular economy, raw materials, among others).
Principal Investigator: Ana Sofia Matos -
Is a public research institute acting as consultant to the national authorities devoted to carry out research, technological development, innovation, services and dissemination activities on sea and atmosphere, including sustainable exploitation of marine resources as well as on production, upgrading and processing of high quality seafood products.
Principal Investigator: Narcisa Bandarra -

IBA - National Research&Development Institute for Food Bioresources
Is a public research organization conducting food and nutritional research, product and technology development and food S&T services for food industry. IBA Bucharest holds ISO17025 accreditation for assessing Quality and safety of foodstuffs and functions as a national reference laboratory on several food safety and quality issues.
Principal Investigator: Nastasia Belc -

JSI - The Jožef Stefan Institute
Is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of about 1050 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences and engineering. Its mission is the accumulation - and dissemination - of knowledge at the frontiers of natural science and technology.
Principal Investigator: Nives Ogrinc -
KIS - The Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
Is the leading research institute in the field of agriculture in Slovenia. It’s a public non-profit research institute that performs fundamental, applied and development research and specialist tasks in agriculture, publishes the results of scientific research work as well as professional and supervision work, performs tasks based on authorisations and accreditations and checks the quality of agricultural products and products used in agriculture.
Principal Investigator: Helena Baša Česnik -
NIB - National Institute of Biology
Is the largest independent Public Research Institution for Life Sciences in Slovenia. The numerous activities taking place at the NIB are related to the environment, agriculture, food and, more recently, to human health. At present, NIB is a project-oriented institution financed with grants from the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and international grants including EU funding schemes (FP7, Eco Innovation and ERA NET, EU Cohesion/Social Fund, EURAMET, LIFE+, MARE etc.).
Principal Investigator: Mojca Milavec -
NLZOH - National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food
Is the largest laboratory for public health, dealing with hygienic and health related ecological activities, environment protection problems, microbiological diagnostics and chemical analyses of samples of different kind and research activities and services for governmental needs are executed. NLZOH cooperates with other institutions in Slovenia and abroad in national and international research, applicative and advisory projects.
Principal Investigator: Jerica Ivanoš -
ULJ - BF, VF - University of Ljubljana
Is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia implementing basic, applied and developmental research and pursuing excellence and the highest quality in all scientific fields. ULJ is very active in national and international R&D and educational programmes and creates almost half of the research results of Slovenia.
Principal Investigator: Natasa Poklar -
ZRS Koper - Science and Research Centre Koper
Works on an interdisciplinary basis, involving humanities, social and natural sciences, with special emphasis given to the research in the specific environments of the Mediterranean and the upper Adriatic region. The main activities are: basic and applied research, production of professional expertise and counseling, education, organization of scientific meetings.
Principal Investigator: Milena Bučar-Miklavčič -

TUBITAK - Tubitak Marmara Research Center
Is one of the leading organizations of the advanced technology world thanks to its ability and capacity in basic researches, applied research & development, technology transfer, innovation, system and facility construction, national standard and norm setting, professional consulting and training activities.
Principal Investigator: Hayrettin Ozer -