Deliverables and Milestones
*SEN - Sensitive - *PU - Public
Ethics guidelines - Guidelines for managing the relevant ethics issues to be monitored during the project.
(Dissemination Level: Sensitive)
Report on consortium meetings - Report combining the minutes of the consortium meetings (Kick off Meeting, Consortium Assembly, Management Committee).
Dissemination Level: Sensitive)
Report on the RI’s distributed architecture - Report on the definition of the Central Hub & National Nodes interactions, including the planned working procedures (internal and externals).
(Dissemination Level: Public)
Report on IMG meetings - Report combining the minutes of the Board of Governmental Representatives (IMG) meetings (Monts 2,5,8,11).
(Dissemination Level: Sensitive)
METROFOOD ERIC documentation - Report combining the updated documents for the ERIC, with policies, ToRs and RoPs.
(Dissemination Level: Sensitive)
Data Management Plan - DMP describing data, how it will be managed, made accessible, and be protected.
(Dissemination Level: Public)
Specification on e-RI core components - Report including the specification on the e-RI core components for the Central Hub (AAI, catalogues, access portal).
(Dissemination Level: Public)
Data Management and ERIC DMP - Report on the activities of the data management committee and set-up of the DMP for METROFOOD ERIC.
(Dissemination Level: Sensitive)
Specification on e-needs - Report on specifications for the e-needs covering Central Hub, National Nodes and partner institutes.
(Dissemination Level: Public)
Access procedures - Report on the refined access procedures with practical & operational specifications.
(Dissemination Level: Sensitive)
Report on use cases and TNA provision - Report describing the use cases and TNA provision in all its steps, until the finalisation of the services.
(Dissemination Level: Public)
Service chart update - Report on the re-examination and update of the service chart so that the facilities and services reflect the most recent statuses on access offer/provision.
(Dissemination Level: Public)
METROFOOD ERIC contribution to the ERA - Report examining the positioning of the RI in the ERA context and the contribution of its research agenda to the ERA developments.
(Dissemination Level: Public)
Procedures for impact assessment - Report including the final list of KPIs for the ERIC and the procedure to be applied for impact evaluation and monitoring.
Dissemination Level: Public)
Risk and contingency plans update - Report including the revision and finalisation of the risk register for the ERIC, TOWS analysis and procedures for risk management.
(Dissemination Level: Public)
Report on Financial Sustainability - Report on the updates of the ERIC cost book and financial plan, with the business model and the roadmap for financial sustainability in the long run.
(Dissemination Level: Sensitive)
Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation of Results - Report including the PDER of the project, defining how the outcomes will communicated to all the interested stakeholders and further exploited.
Report on community building and users’ engagement - Report including the update of the stakeholder mapping and the plans and actions taken for stakeholder outreach and user engagement.
(Dissemination Level: Public)
Report on liaise with other RIs, networks and initiatives - Report on RIs and other relevant initiatives that share METROFOOD-RI’s areas of interest and on opportunities of collaboration.
(Dissemination Level: Public)
Report on communication and dissemination - Report on all communication and dissemination activities performed during the project, including relevant KPIs.
(Dissemination Level: Public)
- Report on communication and dissemination (PU)
- MS-01 Data Management Committee & Ethical Board established
- MS-02 Ethics guidelines defined
- MS-03 Calls for access published
- MS-04 Website and dissemination material - 1st version
- MS-05 Results of the calls communicated
- MS-06 METROFOOD ERIC working procedures – 1st draft
- MS-07 KPIs and Risk register updated and approved (CA)
- MS-08 Structure of the financial sustainability roadmap defined
- MS-09 ERIC documents’ draft checked by the IMG
- MS-10 Project DMP updated and approved (MC)
- MS-11 Dashboard on linkages with other initiatives/organisations
- MS-12 ERIC documents’ final draft checked by the IMG