
Research&Strategic Agenda

Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda 2022-2027
The METROFOOD-RI Research & Innovation Agenda outlines the strategic orientation of the Infrastructure, highlighting our research priorities for the first five years of METROFOOD-RI´s operation. It describes how METROFOOD-RI will implement its mission into science and services for the benefit of promoting scientific excellence in providing high-level metrology services and support of the agrifood sector in its different aspects of transformation towards circular bioeconomy. In this regard, the term food integrity is much broader than food quality alone, it also encompasses food safety, traceability, authenticity, and sustainable production.
The rationale for this Agenda derives from a comprehensive analysis of emerging global challenges and needs related the agrifood sector. By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the wide range of expertise, tools and capacities of the Infrastructure’s Consortium members will be used to address key issues related to the food chain. This will both foster the further development of our infrastructure and, in the long-term, increase our operational range and impact.
Our Research & Innovation Agenda provides an overview of all METROFOOD-RI activities and is aimed at a broad audience in general and at stakeholders from the agrifood sector in particular.
SRIA Structure
- Section 1 - Vision & Mission of METROFOOD-RI
- Section 2 - Our Motivation and Current Challenges
- Section 3 - Strategic Research Priorities
- Section 4 - Our Mode of Operating
- Section 5 - Impacts and Unique Positioning
- Section 6 - List of Abbreviations
- Section 7 - References
How to cite:
H2020 METROFOOD-PP Consortium (2022). Research and Innovation Agenda of METROFOOD-RI - Infrastructure for Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition.
The Research and Innovation Agenda has been developed during the METROFOOD-RI Preparatory Phase Project. This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (H2020-INFRADEV-2018-2020 / H2020-INFRADEV-2019-2) under Grant Agreement No. 871083.