PRO-METROFOOD Project (H2020 INFRADEV-02-2016, GA n.739568) - Progressing towards the construction of METROFOOD-RI represents the Early Phase of the RI and has among its objectives the definition of the operational capacities of the PRI, with the design of its scientific services.
The general objective of PRO-METROFOOD was to bring the emerging METROFOOD-RI ESFRI project to the level of maturity required for entering in the active project list (ESFRI Roadmap 2018), strengthening the Consortium and planning the future phases.

To reach this general objective, 4 specific objectives were identified: design strategies on the medium and long terms; provide the organizational framework of METROFOOD-RI; demonstrate the capability of METROFOOD-RI to supply scientific services and prepare the chart of services; establish plans to coherently integrate METROFOOD-RI into the European landscape, realising coordination with EU and National initiatives and positioning at a global level. These specific objectives were connected to scientific, technical and conceptual aspects. Thanks to a well-defined strategic plan, PRO-METROFOOD has focused on the development of a unique RI able to provide services at a cutting-edge level, but at the same time sustainable and able to positively impact by overcoming of the high fragmentation of which suffer the research system in general and the sector of research on Food and Health, so giving benefits related to consolidation, reliability and accessibility of big data, building of public trust in the data, and expansion of the people’s ability to use them.
PRO-METROFOOD was designed as a one-year project. The work plan consisted of seven interconnected Work Packages (WPs). These WPs were organized to ensure that the emerging METROFOOD-RI ESFRI project reaches the level of maturity necessary for inclusion on the active project list.
WP1 Project management
This WP was aimed to safeguard optimal administrative, financial, contractual, as well as technical consortium management, coordination of the different project activities to ensure a smooth workflow, as well as risk management of the project.
WP2 Strategic Planning
This WP was aimed to identify and establish the working environment of METROFOOD-RI as well as to design its strategic priorities on the medium and long terms in a very strong connection with METROFOODRI’s benefits for the Society.
WP3 Construction management for METROFOOD-RI
This WP was aimed to create a conceptual management model to develop, maintain and evaluate a sound infrastructure based on a common understanding of the structural determinants of METROFOOD-RI.
WP4 Technical Feasibility Study - Physical-RI
This WP was aimed to design and structure the Physical Infrastructure (P-RI) of METROFOOD-RI, demonstrating the capability of METROFOOD-RI to supply its services.
WP5 Technical Feasibility Study - e-RI
This WP was aimed to design the e-infrastructure of METROFOOD-RI, demonstrating the capability of METROFOOD-RI to supply its e-services (e-RI).
WP6 Integration in the EU landscape and coordination with National initiatives
This WP was aimed at identifying initiatives connected to METROFOOD-RI, including existing RIs, national and EU strategies related to food and nutrition, and relevant networks, and to develop strong connections between them and METROFOOD-RI, to obtain a good integration of this initiative in the EU and international landscape.
WP7 Communication, Training and Dissemination
This WP was aimed to develop the communication and dissemination strategy of METROFOODRI acting on 2 levels: (1) internal communication between Partners and (2) external communication and dissemination: to reach as many potential users of the future METROFOOD-RI ensuring the best impact of the planned activities.