METROFOOD-EPI is designed as a 1-year project. The work plan is structured in 6 Work Packages (WPs) closely interconnected with each other, with a total of 18 tasks, 20 Deliverables and 12 Milestones. The WPs are organised to ensure that all the coordination and support actions necessary to the decisive and committing planning for the full implementation and effective start of the operational phase of METROFOOD-RI can be properly completed.
- WP1 transversally ensures project governance and coordination and ethics management.
- WP2 is highly focused on building up the ERIC, with the requested (updated) documents, the full organisation of the RI in its distributed architecture and the completion of the set-up process.
- WP3 focuses on the e-component of the infrastructure, including specifications of data management solutions and the e-core architecture components (e.g., catalogues, access portal). It plays a relevant role in supporting WP4, with reference to, e.g., deployment of e-services, data management, and the specification of the access portal.
- WP4 is dedicated to the finalisation and refinement of access and service offer, including the realisation of 2 “use cases” for TNA.
- WP5 is dedicated to strategic planning covering financial sustainability, impact analysis, risk management, and contribution to the ERA.
- WP6 refers to communication, dissemination, and outreach activities, transversally supporting all other WPs. It has a special role in liaising with other initiatives, for better integration in the landscape and consolidation of the international dimension, and in community engagement, with relevant inputs for strengthening and enlarging the user community (WP4) and supporting the RI long-term sustainability (WP5).
WP1 Project management
- Implementation and maintenance of efficient structures for decision making and management
- Timely and efficient contractual, administrative, and financial management
- Ethics management
WP2 Distributed architecture & ERIC establishment
- Revision and finalisation of all the required documents to establish METROFOOD ERIC
- Preparation of the Terms of Reference (ToR) and Rules of Procedures (RoP)
- Structuring of the distributed architecture of the RI, including governance and management
WP3 e-component and data management solutions
- Project data management and definition of the Data Management Plan for the ERIC
- Definition of the specifications and user requirements for the e-RI components
- Definition of the e-needs for the CH, NNs and single partners, with requirement specification
WP4 Access and service offer consolidation
- Finalisation of access procedures with definition of the operational specifications
- Implementation and organisation of single and integrated services with TNA provision
- Re-examination and update of the service chart and catalogue of services
WP5 Roadmapping, impact and long-term sustainability
- Identification of the opportunities and future actions for the RI’s long-term sustainability;
- Definition of the best tools to enhance the RI impact to the science-policy-society interface and contribution to the European research & innovation community;
- Elaboration of the mitigation strategies and contingency plans to overcome the internal and external risks and threats that could affect the RI functionality.
WP6 Dissemination, outreach and community engagement
- Development and implementation of effective dissemination and communication tools and approaches
- Raise awareness and increase recognition of the RI, promoting its future use
- Engagement with national and European stakeholders and the user community
- Strengthening collaboration with relevant RIs, networks and initiatives at national, EU and global level