METROFOOD-PP CONNECTOR EVENT Explore societal engagement in research and innovation!
Thursday 27 January 2022, 09:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 796
The METROFOOD-RI consortium organises the METROFOOD-PP CONNECTOR EVENT - Explore societal engagement in research and innovation. The event will take place on-line on 27 January 2022 and will be realized in two “twin” (identical) sessions in order to facilitate the participation from different geographical areas: session1 - 10:00 - 12:00 CET, session 2 -15:00 -17:00 CET. METROFOOD-RI is currently undertaking its Preparatory Phase under the H2020 funded METROFOOD-PP project and is seeking for collaboration & links with actors from different geographical regions to strengthen bi-directional partnerships and cooperation of mutual benefit.
This virtual networking event intends to create a space for dialogue and multi-disciplinary exchange to explore opportunities for joint collaboration with METROFOOD-RI and for better addressing our services to your requirements and expectations. The event aim to increase the stakeholder engagement in research and innovation by creating and implementing a model allowing for the effective cooperation of all relevant stakeholders to respond to societal challenges related to the agrifood systems, food and nutrition, sharing the views of all the relevant stakeholders. Draft Agenda: Welcome & Introduction | PLENARY Getting to know METROFOOD-RI | PLENARY Activities of METROFOOD-RI & Collaboration links | PLENARY Exchange & Networking session | BREAKOUTS Synopsis of Discussion | PLENARY Connect & Follow-up contacts | PLENARY You can register at the following link: During the registration, you can select the session you would like to join. Then, after registration, you will be asked to fill in a very brief pre-survey in order to let us better organise the Breakouts - Exchange & Networking session.
For specific requests, you can contact us via email ( ). Learn more about METROFOOD-RI and the METROFOOD-PP project by digging deeper through this website!
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