METROFOOD-GR: 1st Webinar on Food Metrology – Food Authenticity
Wednesday 09 March 2022, 09:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 201
The Greek Node of the METROFOOD-RI organizes a series of scientific webinars on Food Metrology.
This initiative will be carried out in the frame of the METROFOOD-PP (ESFRI, EU-Horizon 2020) as part of the self-assembly activities of the RI. The 1st webinar will focus on “Food Metrology – Food Authenticity“ and it will take place on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at 09.00-13.30 (CET) online (via zoom).
The webinar is free-access for young scientists, potential partners of METROFOOD-GR, researchers from Greece and abroad with relevant interests and background.
The speakers, academic professors and professional researchers are all members of the METROFOOD-GR group that are particularly experienced and active in developing and using methods for food authentication or detection of food fraud. They will highlight critical issues that affect the reliability of analytical measurements and present typical examples of application to certain Greek agri-food products. A closing session will be devoted to questions and discussion about the existing capacity, the plans and potential synergistic actions of the METROFOOD-RI in this field of research. Webinar’s language is English.