METROFOOD-RI 1st and 2nd Calls for Access are open now
In the frame of its Preparatory Phase Project (GA 871083 -, METROFOOD-RI opens two calls for subsiding access to its research facilities, allowing users to execute part of their research project. Projects that are well aligned with the aims of METROFOOD-RI and meet technical, scientific and ethical requirements will receive subsidised services (free-of-charge access to the facilities*).
The 1st open call is addressed to researchers engaged in nanoparticle analysis in food: remote access to the TEM facility of Sciensano (link a, or training and analytical assistance for using the TEM on site will be provided.
The 2nd call is aimed to transfer knowledge and demonstrate technical solutions to industrial food business operators on how to adapt/improve food processing technology to inhibit or to minimize process contaminants (acrylamide) in bakery products. Other potential users are official food safety control agencies, policy makers, researchers, academia and students. Physical access to the experimental bakery plants of IBA ( and their associated labs. will be provided.
Deadline for application: 30 September 2020
Read more about the calls here:
For applying to the 1st Open Call:
For Applying to the 2nd Open Call:
* due to the COVID-19 sanitary emergency, travel to the facilities might be subject to restrictions.