Research, Inspection & Control
This volume publishes 7 scientific papers provided after the 2-day Workshop on the usage of ENEA's CRESCO supercomputer in research activities in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The enormous health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has refocused attention on measures to optimize immune function and vaccine response. Dietary deficiencies of micronutrients can weaken adaptive immunity. The aim of this review was to examine links between micronutrients, immune function and COVID-19 infection, with a focus on nutritional risks in subgroups of the Swiss population. Link to the work
On Wednesday 24 February NuGO will organises, together with the COVID-19 Disease Map project and the ELIXIR Food and Nutrition Community, a webinar on: Vitamin D, Immunity and Covid-19 Guest lecturer: Martin Hewison, PhD, Professor of Molecular Endocrinology at the University of Birmingham
The global disruptive effects of the recent covid-19 outbreak, are also affecting the work of FIT4FOOD2030. The outbreak and the disruptions resulting from it, in our view emphasize the need to further work on securing future food systems that are resilient, sustainable, innovative, adaptive and inclusive.
ONGOING DISCUSSION Open until: 18.10.2020 - The most recent Global Report on Food Crises finds that 135 million people in 55 countries faced crisis level acute food insecurity in 2019 - driven by conflict, weather extremes, and economic shocks.
EUROSTAT STATISTICS EXPLAINED - September 2020 In July 2020, total European retail sales decreased by 0.8 % compared with June 2020. The total sales volume is now equal to 98.8 % of the volume reached in February before the Covid-19 crisis;