The “user database” has been implemented in two different versions for evaluation and testing. The first version was an own implementation and contains over 800 entries of potential external users/stakeholders and is available at: matsci.chem.u-szeged.hu/mfdb (a dedicated report describing the system has been made available to the partners via the password protected area of the website).
A second implementation was done using the tool EspoCRM, which is a publicly available open-source CRM system. EspoCRM clearly distinguishes the two parts, offers to manage organisations separate from persons, offers a functionality to manage opportunities and interaction with customers, and much more. The implementation for METROFOOD-RI is available under the following link: https://crm.test.metrofood-services.eu/. In addition, “real users” (currently users from consortium members) were integrated into the METROFOOD-RI Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI): the existing METROFOOD AAI is implemented using KeyCloak; it allows all apps and database systems to authenticate METROFOOD-RI users against a central database. The link to the METROFOOD AAI is: https://manage.aai.metrofood-services.eu/auth/admin. The three systems can be accessed (with user ID and password) from the password protected area of the METROFOOD-PP website, where a dedicated page has been created.