Pilots for food production and integrated analytical services: development of novel products with ingredients including alternative proteins and/or food by-products – Physical + Remote access
Applications Closed
The integrated service with a pre-defined set of grouped combinatorial analytical services and food technologies will involve the use of food by-products (e.g., from cereals) and novel ingredients (e.g., insects) for preparing new food components and products. After having produced and processed new food items or ingredients, the analytical services will be focussed on their sensorial, nutritional, and health-promoting characterization as well as on assessing their safety. Within the framework of sustainability, the project is aimed towards future-oriented applications e.g., circular systems for the reduction of food waste.
The service is addressed to researchers/academics and industrial food business operators.
The service will be provided on a combination of physical and remote access via several METROFOOD-RI service providers. Physical access will be provided to the experimental facilities of IBA/CZU and their associated labs; remote access to the analytical laboratories of TUM, ENEA, AUTH, JSI, CZU and IBA will be established.
Free of charge access to the facilities will be provided (with no contribution to eventual shipping, travel, and subsistence costs). Applicants will have to provide the food by-products that are to be used in the food processing.
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This open call is promoted as a part of the METROFOOD-EPI project Funded by the European Union (GA 101130162).
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